Engineering- As a Career

Engineering – This term is derived from Latin words,” ingenium” meaning cleverness & ” ingeniare” meaning to contrive device.

Since long ago, engineering is considered as the most prestigious field where creativity & ingenuity knows no bounds. Many of the students, from their school days, aspire to become an engineer because either they are fascinated by the seniors who are engaged in the field of engineering or maybe, mostly it’s their parents choice that their child should become an engineer. It happens that students go by their liking towards this field, but seldom have an idea or many times they aren’t fully aware of engineering as a profession.

Engineering as a career

The ethos of engineering is not new to the Indian subcontinent. The rustless wonder- the iron pillar at Delhi, in the memory of Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya, is the testimony to the advances made in metallurgy some 2000 years back. Various temples & forts in our country are the excellent examples of ancient engineering & its development. Earlier with the onset of development fueled by the science & technology & growth if service sector engineering as a career has attracted students of the country in a big way. Moreover, engineering being the creative application of science, mathematical methods & empirical evidence to the innovation, design & construction, operation & maintenance of structure, systems & organizations, one can engage in a wide range of activities, from large collaboration at the societal level many of them having some sort of financing agency. By its very nature engineering has interconnections with society, culture & human behavior. Every product or construction used by modern society is influenced by engineering. The result of engineering activity influence changes to environment, society & its applications brings with it a responsibility & public safety. In short, you can say, engineering is a key driver of innovations & human development.

Why we select engineering as a career?

When you’ll ask an engineering aspirant about their definition of Engineers, you’ll find some interesting answers.

For some, engineers are people who ‘make things happen,’ while for others they are the game changers who converts ‘scientific knowledge into technology.’ So, the reasons are ample. Based on the views from students and our field experts, we have listed down five reasons why candidates choose engineering as a career option.


Engineering is an interesting career. Why? Engineers are the creators who produce tools and machines by making use of innovative technology to help make life easy. The engineering field is diverse, therefore opportunities are more. If you see the branches of engineering, you’ll find there are mechanical, IT, electronics, civil and telecommunication and many other types of engineering. It is due to this reason why more and more candidates are choosing engineering as the career option.


There is growing need for technological innovation. Simultaneously, there is increasing demand for skilled and professional people in the engineering sectors. Many big companies and MNC’s are looking forward to hiring engineering degree holders due to the specialized skills and knowledge they hold.


Companies like Microsoft, Infosys, Google and other leading brands generally look forward to hiring IITians. IIT is considered to be the most reputed and major institutions in the country. Also, it is highly publicized that IITs admit only bright minds after filtering from around 13 lakh JEE aspirants. Hence, many companies prefer hiring these bright minds.


After graduating from a reputed engineering institute like IITs, you are bound to get attractive salary package and opportunity to travel abroad frequently. It is due to this reason why candidates prefer to be an engineer. Engineering career provides excellent travel opportunity without spending a single penny from the traveler’s pocket. Even though this isn’t the main reason, but it could be considered as one of the reasons.


As there is shortage of professionals in the country, engineers are offered an attractive salary and other benefits as compared to professionals from other industries. While the income is good, engineers live a lavish life as compared to other groups. Engineers enjoy great financial security.

Based on the above reasons, it is clear why many students prefer engineering over other professions. This field provides utmost job satisfaction, financial security and opportunity to learn every day.